No Limitation

Why limit life to just a few short years,
Which seem so filled with sin, and pain, and tears?
Life is not found in matter—place or thing—But
in the wondrous thoughts His angels bring;
Thus more abundant life each day appears.

Why limit truth to that which now we see,
Or even what we yet may hope to be?
So small our present aptitude to scan
The glorious possibilities of man!
Truth will unfold throughout eternity.

Why limit love to one or just a few?
For Love divine gives ever something new,
And fresh, and beautiful beyond compare;
Why should we not accept this bounteous fare,
And with pure love our consciousness endue?

Why limit substance to the things possessed,
E'en though to human sense they seem the best?
Life, Truth, and Love meet every human need;
Did Jesus not the hungry thousands feed,
And prove that by God's law mankind is blessed?

Why limit man's divine capacity
To be God's image, and His likeness free?
For here and now we truly may behold
The city fair, where paths are pure as gold;
And so forever in His kingdom be.

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