Because I receive so much joy and encouragement from...

Because I receive so much joy and encouragement from the testimonies of others I wish to express my gratitude. As a child I suffered from many physical difficulties, and for this reason the study of Christian Science was begun in our home. About fifteen years ago, with the help of a practitioner, I was healed of deafness for which I had been treated by a specialist but had received no permanent relief. I had not realized how complete this healing was until a few years ago. In my work it was required that all employees have their ears tested. Mine were recorded as above normal.

My testimony would not be complete without an expression of the gratitude I feel for the patient, faithful help of a practitioner. Words cannot adequately tell how grateful I am for Christian Science, which teaches me to know God as Love, to lean more "on the sustaining infinite" (Science and Health, Pref., p. vii), and to fear less. I am also happy to have the privilege of membership in a branch church.

(Miss) HELEN F. MOORE, Phoenix, Arizona.

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Testimony of Healing
Thanks to the study of our textbook I have been able...
October 27, 1934

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