[Original testimonies in French]

With great joy I wish to express my gratitude to Christian Science

With great joy I wish to express my gratitude to Christian Science. About five years ago I was taken with acute influenza. My mouth was much inflamed and my tongue had swollen till I could scarcely speak. I worked the best I knew how by reading the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy; I did not get any worse, but neither did I get any better. Then I asked a Christian Science practitioner for help. She lovingly treated me and gave me a few passages in Science and Health to read. The healing was instantaneous, and the inflammation of the mouth gave way to a refreshing coolness. The next day I attended to my work as usual.

I have had the happiness of being freed from extreme anaemia from which I suffered for many years. I have also been healed of phlebitis in a few treatments. For these wonderful healings I am grateful to God; and I am grateful to Mrs. Eddy for the teaching she has revealed to us. I am also very grateful to the loving practitioners who have helped me, and for every Christian Science activity.

(Mrs.) Louise Berger, Geneva, Switzerland.

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Testimony of Healing
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in...
March 11, 1933

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