During my early childhood my mother became interested...

During my early childhood my mother became interested in Christian Science. This gave me the privilege of attending a Christian Science Sunday School, and for the foundational work that was thus established in my thinking I have much cause for gratitude. I left home to go East in my late twenties and attended Christian Science churches occasionally, but I did not seem to care to take an active interest in any particular branch church.

At a time when everything seemed dark and I was overcome with discouragement, a friend brought to my attention the fact that my need could be met through right activity, and that this could be found only by becoming active in church activities, as provided for by Mrs. Eddy in the Manual of The Mother Church. I took immediate steps to have a church home, and the joy and happiness that have been mine since I was awakened from mental wandering are beyond words.

Previous to taking this step, one evening when I was crossing a boulevard on returning from business, I was struck by an automobile. I was picked up and taken to a hospital. While on the way I regained consciousness, and remonstrated, as I wanted to go home, but to no avail. I consented to remain at the hospital until the next afternoon, when a friend could call for me, but I refused to have X-ray pictures taken. Although one leg was in such a condition that I could not straighten it and the other was badly bruised, during the following two weeks at home I went up and down stairs each day. Ten days later I attended a Christian Science lecture. Before the lecture began I gave my seat to a lady and stood during the lecture. At first the suggestion came to me that I could not stand, but this was instantly replaced by the quotation from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy (p. 385): "Whatever it is your duty to do, you can do without harm to yourself. If you sprain the muscles or wound the flesh, your remedy is at hand." I then realized that my remedy was always at hand, and after the lecture I walked our of the church entirely free.

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Testimony of Healing
I was reared in a home where I was taught to love and...
February 25, 1933

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