For several years I had a great desire to understand the Bible

For several years I had a great desire to understand the Bible. Although I had been a faithful attendant at my church services, I found nothing to satisfy this desire.

About eight years ago I rented an apartment from a Christian Scientist who lived on the upper floor. At that time I was active in the practice of osteopathy, chiropractic, and naturopathy. Previous to this I had been a surgical nurse. Shortly after I moved in, this new-found friend had a stroke. I called a physician and his diagnosis gave the patient one hour to live. The physician was dismissed and a Christian Science practitioner called in; and in three days this lady was moving about as actively as ever. Previously she had told me about Christian Science, and had brought to me each morning the Christian Science Quarterly with Science and Health. I read some daily, finding it very beautiful and finding also that it answered many questions for me. The Bible began to be unfolded to me. Witnessing this healing, I was convinced that "what God cannot do, man need not attempt" (Science and Health, p. 231).

I immediately sold all my office equipment and turned to the study of Christian Science. There was much to be overcome in my thinking. There followed a period of darkness and despair, complete breakdown, and the manifestation of a blood vascular growth. An overwhelming sense of the utter uselessness of life seemed to make me incapable of completing the most simple task. I could see no use in keeping up the struggle. At a lecture on Christian Science which I attended, the lecturer asked if there were any present who questioned why they exist. She then gave Jesus' answer to Pilate, "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth." My healing was completed by the truth expressed in those words. I had suffered for several months with hæmatemesis. The healing of this came through study and knowing that God is Life and that life cannot be destroyed by loss of blood.

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Testimony of Healing
With a heart full of gratitude which words fail to express...
December 16, 1933

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