Signs of the Times

[W. H. Griffith Thomas, as quoted in the King's Business, Los Angeles, California]

The family circle—this is the first place where the influence of an individual life should be seen and felt. It has been well said that "private life governs the world," for when God is honored in the family, He will be honored in the nation, which is built up of families. ... Never will one father forget the words of his boy as they were climbing a Scottish mountain, with the father some little distance ahead. He heard his son from close behind call, "Choose the safe path, father, I am coming after you!" The influence of Christ in the family will always be such that the children will be early taught the elementary truths of the gospel and placed in the Saviour's hands in loving trust. They will be daily enabled to see the reality of the gospel in the lives of their parents, so that they will need no other evidences of its power.

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December 2, 1933

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