Christian Science came to me in response to a very earnest...

Christian Science came to me in response to a very earnest prayer that I might understand God. At that time I was full of fear and doubt and was constantly asking myself question to which I could find no satisfactory answer. When Christian Science was introduced to me I was not very much interested, as I did not think I wanted physical healing, although I was not considered strong, and frequently took medicine for various aliments. But when I remembered that Jesus and his disciples healed the sick, I felt that there must be something in this Science so I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I am grateful to say that since that time doubt has been dispelled, the questions that puzzled me have all been answered, and I have found God, whom I can love and trust. I have also experienced many physical healings. A tendency to frequent and violent colds, influenza, a severe nervous condition, the effects of accidents, and many other conditions have been overcome.

Some time ago I became conscious of a feeling of discomfort in my left breast. At first I did not pay much attention to it, but as the discomfort and pain increased I discovered that a lump had formed there. For a moment fear seemed to grip me and some very unpleasant and alarming pictures presented themselves, but I endeavored to realize the omnipotence and omnipresence of God and my relationship to Him. For some days it seemed there was a continual struggle with fear and discouragement, and the pain increased to such an extent that I began to think I should have to ask for help, although I had a great desire to work out the problem myself. During this time many beautiful and helpful passages from the Bible and Science and Health came to my thought, and one day I realized that instead of being healed of a disease that could destroy me, I had been healed of the belief that there was any disease that could destroy me or anyone. A few days later I saw quite clearly that since God always had been the only power, this condition had no cause, no starting point, or abiding place—that it was merely an illusion and that was all there was to it. The pain gradually ceased, and I knew that the problem had been solved. Upon examination some time afterward, not a trace of the condition remained.

My husband has been healed of the smoking habit; our son was healed of measles, whooping cough, bronchitis, and instantaneously of an attack of what I believe would be called croup. A slower healing was that of deafness, but that it was complete was proved when a few years later, while he was taking part in a game with other Boy Scouts, his acute hearing was remarked upon. We have proved God's guidance and protection in many other ways.

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Testimony of Healing
It is over twelve years since I first heard the name...
December 2, 1933

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