Ascending Footsteps

In her Message to The Mother Church for 1900 (p. 9), Mrs. Eddy writes, "The twentieth century in the ebb and flow of thought will challenge the thinkers, speakers, and workers to do their best." When we look back over the years gone by and realize something of the good that has been accomplished through Christian Science, it gives us courage and strength to meet and overcome the resistance that would deny or hinder our present-day activity in proof of man's sonship with God.

A right thought knows no limits of time or space; it reaches to the uttermost parts of the earth. So are we banded together as Christian Scientists to live the truth we profess and to prove the real universe to be God-created and God-governed. In order that we may accomplish this great undertaking, God's law must mean everything to us. In proportion to our understanding of God's law, we cannot but love it; and, loving it, step by step we shall prove it in its entirety.

Understanding and love have one Principle; hence they are at one in every human endeavor for good. When we understand any idea that is good and right, we love it. And when we really love any idea of good, it leads us to the demonstration of our understanding of it. The study of Christian Science inspires us, and the practice of Christian Science increasingly fructifies until our complete unity with God, good, is understood. As our thinking governs our living, so our daily living is as pure as our thinking—spiritual thought being at one with God in love and understanding. In the now of our turning to Him is made evident the now of His goodness to us.

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Resentment Lost in Forgiveness
December 2, 1933

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