Upon being told that by reading the textbook of Christian Science,...

Upon being told that by reading the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I could help another, I laid aside all prejudice and began to read.

At this time I was wearing a long elastic stocking for varicose veins. That leg and foot had become smaller than the other from the long use of the elastic. I was often heard to complain, as the stocking was very uncomfortable and even painful, but without it I could not walk at all. I used to sit with one foot extended beyond the other to avoid discomfort. After I had been reading about two months, my daughter noticed one evening that I was sitting normally with feet together, and she asked about the rubber stocking. It was then that I discovered for the first time that I did not have it on. I did not know how long I had been going without it. I did not even know where it was. Oh, the joy and the wonder of being free!

Though I had very little understanding of Christian Science, I had received my first spiritual uplifting and felt very close to God. I want to express profound gratitude for this and for many subsequent healings.

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Testimony of Healing
In the Bible we read, "Give thanks unto the Lord, call...
October 21, 1933

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