
Mr. William W. Porter, who, in June, was reëlected a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, effective October 1, has now retired from the Board of Lectureship in order to continue in the office of Christian Science Committee on Publication for the State of New York, to which he has been again appointed. Mr. Porter has filled the office of Committee on Publication for this important state during the past seven months, and his many friends welcome his continuance.

Applications for admission to membership in The Mother Church may be sent to the Clerk at any time throughout the year. It is desirable that applications should be forwarded in ample time so that they may receive the essential preliminary attention before the date of election. The receipt of an application by the Clerk does not make the applicant a member. Applications are acted upon by the Board of Directors, twice each year, as provided by the Manual of The Mother Church, Article XIII, Section 2.

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The Lectures
October 7, 1933

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