Perhaps no more incongruous statement could be made...

St. Louis Globe-Democrat

Perhaps no more incongruous statement could be made than that voiced by a certain doctor when in his address in the Galleria Building on November 10 he declared, "As long as you feel you must serve God, you are simply prolonging human chaos." Certainly the speaker, whose subject was "Science vs. Religion," could not have been at all conversant with the Science of Christianity or he would not have classified Christian Scientists with "creed-believing" religionists.

In response to the question, "Have Christian Scientists any religious creed?" which may be found on page 496 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the author of the book, Mary Baker Eddy, answers, "They have not, if by that term is meant doctrinal beliefs." Following that she gives six religious tenets, the acknowledgment of which, coupled with an understanding of their purport, is necessary to enable one the demonstrate divine metaphysics. Thinking people the world over are increasingly recognizing the fact that God needs to be understood, not merely believed, in order that He may be rightly served. Christian Science gives the true concept of God and reveals Him as infinite Spirit, divine Mind, omnipresent Love.

The understanding of God's true nature, which through the teachings of Christian Science steadily unfolds to the receptive consciousness, enables the student of this Science to overcome all manner of inharmonious conditions, both for himself and for others. Testimonies given in Christian Science churches throughout the world by grateful beneficiaries of the ministrations of Christian Science, as well as those printed weekly and monthly in the Christian Science periodicals which are substantiated before they are published, attest the fact that a demonstrable understanding of God enables one to serve Him joyfully and practically. Such service, far from prolonging human chaos, dissipates it.

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