It is not possible for me to express in words my gratitude...

It is not possible for me to express in words my gratitude for what Christian Science has meant to me. The only happiness I have known has come to me through the study of this great truth. My childhood was an unhappy one, spent with strangers who were unkind to me. I loved the things in life that were good, and I knew there was a higher power, but it seemed very far from me. Now I see that God protected and led me. Later I became a medical nurse. One day a friend lent me the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy. All I remember reading was the Daily Prayer (Art. VIII, Sect. 4), which I committed to memory because I thought it beautiful. I became ill with influenza, and the work in which I was engaged required a physician to diagnose my case. I knew that this physician would prescribe certain drugs; and I had these drugs in my medicine chest, but I did not take them for I knew God would heal me. A friend brought me the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and some Christian Science periodicals; and before returning to work I destroyed all the drugs in the house and have taken none since.

I did not come into Christian Science for physical healing, but because I loved it as a religion. I have, however, had many healings—mental, financial, and physical. I was healed instantaneously of indigestion; loss of voice was healed in a short time through the work of a practitioner, and a sprained ankle was healed by the reading of the textbook.

I am very grateful to those dear ones who have helped me along the way; for the great privilege of serving one year at the Sanatorium of The Christian Science Benevolent Association, and to be serving as a Christian Science nurse. I have peace of mind which nothing can take from me.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
April 4, 1931

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