Gratitude for benefits received and hope that this testimony...

Gratitude for benefits received and hope that this testimony may help others impel me to relate several instances in my experience where Christian Science has proved itself a healing power.

I had been reading the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, for some years before the opportunity presented itself for an unquestionable, positive proof of healing through Christian Science in the case of severe bodily illness. At that time I was attacked with a painful condition which extended from my head to my hips, rendering one arm and shoulder practically useless. I began to read Science and Health with a view to proving to my own satisfaction that Christian Science could heal; but in spite of my earnest application I steadily grew worse. After about ten days of great suffering I became discouraged and called on a doctor, who diagnosed the trouble as rheumatism and prescribed medicine which was put up in large capsules. While I was waiting for one of these to soften in a glass of water, a grat sense of regret at my failure to bring about the desired result through Christian Science came over me, as I knew of healings that had taken place for others, and I did not feel at all happy or satisfied at the thought of giving it up.

After considerable mental argument I decided that before taking the medicine I would try Christian Science once again. This I did; and in less than half an hour spent in reading the textbook, I realized that I was not suffering any pain, where just previously it had been intense. At first I could not quite believe that I was free, but carefully exercised my arm and neck, fearing the return of the sharp twinges which had been with me so constantly. However, I found that I was completely and permanently healed. It would appear that the reason the healing did not take place prior to my visit to the doctor was that unconsciously I may have been thinking that if Christian Science did not heal me I still had medicine to fall back on, but that when I resolutely turned to it the second time I had definitely made my decision for Christian Science, taking my stand accordingly. The demonstration was then complete.

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Testimony of Healing
When I turned to Christian Science it was not for physical...
March 21, 1931

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