Signs of the Times

[President Hoover, as quoted in the Boston Post, Massachusetts]

To-day nearly seventy years have passed since Lincoln spoke [at Gettysburg]. Ours is a new day and ours new problems of the republic. There are times when these problems loom ominous and their solution difficult. Yet great as our difficulties may sometimes seem, we would be of little courage if in our concerns we had less of faith than Lincoln had in his far greater task. ...

Since his day reason has not always ruled instead of passion, knowledge has not always been sought instead of reliance upon improvised conjecture, patience has not ever delayed the impetuous feet of reckless ambition, quiet negotiation has not always replaced the clamor of the hustings, prudent common counsel has not invariably overcome the allurements of demagogic folly, good will has not always won the day over cynicism and vainglory. Yet the ideals which he inspired have served to mold our national life and have brought in time great spiritual unity. His words have poured their blessings of restraint and inspiration upon each new generation.

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February 7, 1931

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