Recently a man complained to me of his hearing; and...

Recently a man complained to me of his hearing; and when I suggested Christian Science, he replied that Christian Science was all right for those who understood it, but that he could not hope to receive any benefit because he knew nothing about it. That others may be under this erroneous impression prompts me to relate, with deep-felt gratitude, my first healings in Christian Science.

In 1917, while I was with the American Expeditionary Forces in France, doctors treated me for influenza, and from then on my health seemed to fail until everything was wrong with me. I felt worn out, nervous, restless; I could not sleep well, and any food I ate seemed to disagree with me. Doctors and specialists in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and California treated me; then I tried chiropractic treatments for several months; I also followed dietetics and health exercises, but found no relief. Treatments were given for ulcers of the stomach and other ailments. For seven years I had been under some kind of treatment most of the time, but seemed to get worse instead of better.

When Christian Science was suggested to me I regarded it lightly; but some time later, in the spring of 1925, worn out and in despair, I called on a Christian Science practitioner as a last resort. Until then I had never read any of the Christian Science literature or attended any of the services; in fact, all I knew about this religion was through a business acquaintance who briefly discussed it once with me and suggested that I see a practitioner. Yet, even with my limited knowledge of the subject I was healed in that one treatment. When I came out of the practitioner's office I felt like a new man, though I could not believe that I had been completely cured. I went directly to a restaurant and ate a big dinner without any ill effects, something I had not done for a long time; and ever since I have eaten heartily.

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Signs of the Times
February 7, 1931

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