In the latter part of October, 1929, I slipped on the top...

In the latter part of October, 1929, I slipped on the top step of some basement stairs and plunged headlong over the side of the stairs to the cement floor below, striking on my right shoulder and elbow. I managed to rise to a sitting posture, but was not within reach of anything with which to help myself up. A neighbor who heard me calling came to my assistance, helping me to my feet, and I walked upstairs.

A Christian Science practitioner was asked to give me treatment, but it was thought best also to call a surgeon, who we knew to be friendly to Christian Science. After an examination he stated that the shoulder and elbow were both broken, and he could do nothing until they had been X-rayed. I went to the hospital, and an X-ray picture was taken, showing the break to be rather severe. The end of the ball bone of the shoulder joint was broken off and was out of the socket. The end of the bone at the elbow was also broken off, and the bones badly splintered and out of joint. By this time the arm was so badly inflamed that the doctor did not want to set it until the next morning, but next morning it was still too much inflamed to be set. The doctor stated that it would not be advisable to put it in a cast; for at my age it would be beyond endurance. It was not my intention to have it in a cast, but just to have it set, and let Christian Science do the healing.

The practitioner and I decided that we would trust all to God. The work was started immediately. During the fourth night I was awakened from a sound sleep and plainly heard the bone in the shoulder joint snap back into place, and the elbow bone also right afterwards. The surgeon had made the statement that I probably would never have much use of my arm, and would never be able to raise it very high. Thanks be to God, Christian Science proved this statement to be incorrect. During April, 1930, I began doing housework, such as laundry, ironing, cleaning, using the arm in every way, and it improved rapidly. In a few months I could do all kinds of work as well as ever, and raise the right arm as high as the left. The healing was complete, due to the faithful and untiring work of a very loving practitioner and friend.

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Testimony of Healing
Having always known Christian Science and having...
December 12, 1931

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