Signs of the Times

[Rev. M. G. Montgomery, in the Oregonian, Portland, Oregon]

Absorbed with the fascination of the quest, so many these days are unmindful of the find. Ever since the Christian faith began humble folk have been witnessing, "I see," "I know," "I find," "I am healed," "I believe." Oh, I know, a lost of questers question the evidence. But the witnesses speak out of life's experience; and who can deny that their lives verify their words, in richness and power. Surely the evidence has weight.

When Lincoln said, "I have heard the prayers of my mother, and they have followed me all my days," it renews our faith in prayer. When one of America's foremost business men testifies that every big business man of integrity in his unusually wide acquaintance has had a praying father, a praying mother, or both, it does impress us with the character-forming power of religion. Will all who can testify to the influence of Godly home, a saintly Sundya school teacher, or a wholesome influence of a Christian church upon their lives, join me in saying "Aye!" Verily we are encompassed about with a great cloud of witnesses.

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December 5, 1931

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