"Until the day dawn"

While as yet there was no sign of the coming day, a student of Christian Science set out on an early morning drive. In places the road was very rough; there were hills to climb, bridges to cross, and many sharp turns to make. The lights from the automobile which he was driving illumined the road in front of the car with a narrow but clear path of light. The destination was constantly in thought, and the road leading to it held attention. There was no fear of the surrounding darkness, no fear that this plain path would end abruptly. Neither was there any doubt that the morning would come. Soon the eastern sky, toward which the student was driving, began to brighten, and in a short time a new day had dawned.

As these thoughts were applied to our everyday experiences, the student gained a lesson of confidence. How beautiful it is when we approach every problem with confidence, when we press forward with the assurance that all is well now! What if the way seems dark! What if there is no visible sign of a new day appearing! If we remain on the path illumined by divine Love, however narrow the shaft of light, we shall see the way unfolding before us, clear and distinct. Even though the path seem rough in places, we must follow the light. What if there be sharp turns, and many hills to climb! Though material sense suggests that there are pitfalls and dangers lurking in the darkness, to stop to examine them or to spend our time worrying and pondering about them would only delay our journey. Our path is plainly marked with light before us, and to stop would impede our progress in attaining our real destination, spiritual perfection.

Those things which seem so real, and which appear as obstacles to us, may appear as sin, sickness, and death; but when examined in the light of divine Science they are seen to be but distorted, erroneous concepts made in the darkness of ignorance. Even though one find himself in the valley of indecision, he can at any time, through the study and application of Christian Science, advance to the illumined path and start on again toward his destination.

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"As a little child"
November 14, 1931

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