In deep gratitude for many proofs of God's love, I am...

In deep gratitude for many proofs of God's love, I am sending this testimony of healing through Christian Science, in the hope that someone may be encouraged by it.

Several years ago a most distressing skin disease appeared on my face, causing me a great deal of suffering, mental and physical. I had Christian Science treatment, but the condition did not yield quickly, because there were many stubborn errors in my own thinking to be uprooted. As the months passed it became very plain to me that each time I consciously laid hold of the truth of God's perfection and of man's perfection as His reflection the condition was noticeably improved. Each time I clearly saw the truth of some statement of Christian Science, and began earnestly to apply it, a step forward was taken mentally, and the result was manifested physically. As thought was purified, the condition faded from my thought, and consequently from my face, until only a very little was visible. It was some time before the last trace of the disease disappeared, and it did so only when I realized that mental poise and calmness were what I needed at that point. Then, when I made an effort to stand unmoved before the suggestions of error which formerly had upset me each time they presented themselves, the last trace of the physical condition disappeared, and I was completely healed. This healing showed me that as my thought was pure and calm, my face became clear, since the body expresses only what is in the thought.

Many other physical healings have been experienced. Business conditions have been improved through the application of God's law. Every phase of my life has felt this searching, healing influence; and the transformation which is daily going on is cause for great rejoicing.

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Testimony of Healing
I cannot hope to express in words my gratitude for...
October 24, 1931

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