With the hope that someone may benefit by my experience,...

With the hope that someone may benefit by my experience, I will tell why I became a Christian Scientist. In September, 1919, while I had charge of some machinery, my hand caught and was almost torn off. The leaders that hold the fingers in proper position were cut in two and had to be tied together. I was rushed to a hospital for treatment, but the hand gradually grew worse, and blood poisoning resulted. A friend asked the doctor if I should not have my hand amputated. His answer was "No," for I could not stand another shock, and, furthermore, I had only a few days to live. I had them take me home, and my sister, who was a Christian Scientist, prevailed on me to try Science. With the help of a practitioner I began to improve from the first treatment, although there were many obstacles in the way. And now, eleven years later, I can do any kind of work with my hand, and, according to the doctors' word, have added eleven years to my life.

After this experience and many other healings, why should I not love Christian Science and everything connected with it, especially our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy?—Charles B. Conrad, San Antonio, Texas.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with joy that I give this testimony of the wonderful...
January 17, 1931

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