Two months before our baby was born I was washing...

Two months before our baby was born I was washing with the electric washing machine, using the electric wringer, which I had tightened more than usual, when my finger was caught in one of the garments going through, and my hand drawn through to the wrist. I was unable to reach the plug to pull out the cord, and lacked strength to pull the lever to release my hand; so I had to reverse the wringer and draw my hand back through it. When my hand was released I could not help getting a glimpse of it and it seemed to be very badly crushed. I instantly put it behind me, and said mentally, "Get thee behind me, Satan," realizing the truth that "there is no sensation in matter" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 237).

My little girl called a Christian Science practitioner for treatment, which was lovingly given. In an hour I was entirely free from pain, and the sick feeling had left me. This accident took place at three o'clock, and at five o'clock I was preparing dinner as though nothing had happened. I am glad to say that there was no bad result.

I am most grateful for Christian Science and to all who have given me help. I am also very grateful to those who have rebuked in love, for it has meant progress in understanding.—(Mrs.) Della Butler, Salinas, California.

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Testimony of Healing
In a spirit of thanksgiving for the good that has come to...
January 10, 1931

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