Fifteen years ago I was helpless and confined to my bed,...

Fifteen years ago I was helpless and confined to my bed, suffering from a complication of diseases, including a condition of paralyzed and obstructed bowels, gravel in the kidney, and hemorrhages, all of which had culminated in a nervous breakdown. I was unable to sleep, although taking powerful medicines. At this time my brother came from Boston to tell me about Christian Science. He continued to tell me how I could apply its teachings to my problems. It was not at all clear to me, and I asked him if there was anything I could read in the endeavor to get a little understanding. He immediately brought me the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

When I opened this book and read the chapter on Prayer, I knew that Christian Science was what I had been seeking. My husband wanted me to give up the doctors and send for a Christian Science practitioner, but I was not ready to take this step until some time later. One day my little girl came to me with a toothache. I opened Science and Health and read to her, and the tooth stopped aching at once. That opened my eyes to the fact that I too could be healed in the same way. I immediately sent for a practitioner, and was healed. All the medicines and other material remedies were thrown out of the house, and I have never used any since for either my children or myself. Nor has there ever been a recurrence of any of the diseases healed at that time.

On one occasion, upon returning home after a three days' absence, I found my son, at that time about seven or eight years old, suffering from some sort of poisoning. In three days he was completely healed. At another time my daughter was brought home from camp with a badly infected toe. She was healed in less than twelve hours. One summer I went to camp to bring my boy home. While I was there he was practicing high jumping and fell, crushing the ribs on one side. He was in great pain for a short time, but this condition was overcome. I worked without ceasing, declaring all the truth I knew, and clinging to it, and after some time I spoke to the boy, saying, "You know that you are in reality the image and likeness of God," and repeating and realizing the truth of Mrs. Eddy's words on pages 476 and 477 of Science and Health: "Truth and Love reign in the real man, showing that man in God's image is unfallen and eternal. Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick." I realized this perfection and the child realized it also, and then a distinct snapping sound was heard and the ribs were absolutely normal. He was healed.

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Testimony of Healing
Like a great many others, I took up Christian Science for...
January 10, 1931

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