Scientific Restoration

THE inability of humanity to lift itself out of its dilemmas by mortal means is very apparent, but the remedy of spiritual understanding is always open to it. Christian Science reverses humanity's oppressed, cribbed sense of itself and the universe and restores to it a clear, irrefutable, spiritual understanding of the one all-harmonious cause, Spirit, God.

Who will gainsay that Christ Jesus coped with human ills more successfully than anyone else has ever done? This he accomplished by his grasp of scientific metaphysics. In every age human ills can be eradicated through spiritual light, which displaces the darkness of mortal ignorance. Is it not evident, however, that no one can know what to discard as false until he gains a basic knowledge of what is true?

On page 152 of "The First Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" Mrs. Eddy writes, "The restoration of pure Christianity rests solely on spiritual understanding, spiritual worship, spiritual power." It therefore behooves every student of Christian Science to claim and to cultivate this related trinity, "spiritual understanding, spiritual worship, spiritual power," whereby he may apply pure Christianity to all his problems. The application of Christianity involves the denial of discordant materiality.

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August 23, 1930

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