
WE find in our Leader's writings many references to gratitude; and as we go deeper into the study of Christian Science, we realize how vital to progress is this quality. On page 3 of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy asks, "Are we really grateful for the good already received?" Prompt acknowledgment—audible or silent—of God's protection and power opens the door to greater opportunity to express the supply of true substance, joy, contentment, harmony, patience, and forgiveness.

So-called mortal mind would sometimes try to argue that there is nothing to be grateful for. At such a season one student found it very beneficial to acquire the habit of thanking God each night for the good that had been experienced during the day. Sometimes this was only a smile or a kind word; yet, once grateful enumeration was begun, many kindnesses crowded brightly into thought. And as this practice was joyously and systematically continued, a much longer time came to be required for the counting of the day's blessings. Blessings multiplied, the true sense of substance increased, and joy was spontaneous.

The student then found the daily question, How many smiles have I received to-day? changing to the better questions, How many smiles have I given to-day? How many kind words have I spoken? How many burdens have I helped to lighten? When she could give commendable answers to these questions, there came a wonderful sense of the indestructible joy that follows unselfish thinking. Joy inevitably accompanies gratitude. When we have realized even a little of what it means to be the sons of God, we can then see how untrue are sorrow, lack, and discord of every nature; for we know that as the sons of God we dwell undisturbed in the spiritual universe, reflecting the eternal qualities of divine Mind.

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Mental Surgery
August 23, 1930

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