With the hope that someone may be benefited by reading...

With the hope that someone may be benefited by reading of my healing, as I have been helped and encouraged along the road from sickness to health by reading the testimonies published in the Christian Science Sentinel during the past six and a half years, I lovingly send this acknowledgment of the healing power of Truth.

Christian Science found me in bed suffering from a so-called incurable disease. After exhausting the skill of an eminent surgeon, and trying many other remedial agents to heal a tubercular hip with two running sores that had been discharging from my side since an operation performed June 11, 1921, members of my family were informed in May, 1923, that my condition was hopeless. It was then that my loving sister persuaded me to try Christian Science. Through a kind friend, she had heard of its power to heal.

Because Christian Science was based on the teachings of Christ Jesus I did not want to read Mrs. Eddy's writings, and, furthermore, I could not believe that the reading of her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," could heal me of this dreadful disease. As I was greatly in need of help, although it was against my desire at that time, I reluctantly began to read this textbook, and also received aid from a loving Christian Science practitioner. Little by little the condition began to yield to the truth contained in this book; and now I am like a new man, transformed by the renewing of the mind. To-day I enjoy better health than I have ever known, and neighbors and friends who knew of my illness marvel at the way I look.

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Testimony of Healing
For many years I have been a student of Christian Science,...
June 21, 1930

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