"Healing physical sickness is the smallest part of Christian Science

"Healing physical sickness is the smallest part of Christian Science. It is only the bugle-call to thought and action, in the higher range of infinite goodness" (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 2). Nineteen years ago, if I had read this statement by Mrs. Eddy I should have marveled. To-day I know its truthfulness. Nineteen years ago I needed to be healed of physical sickness. Never had I known a day free from headache, and usually other ills—and I was over twenty years of age. For fifteen years I wore glasses constantly for astigmatism and farsightedness, yet I was never free from headache. For the last seventeen years I have not worn glasses and seldom have had a headache.

I have been healed of asthma, rheumatism, stomach trouble, indigestion, nervousness, and many other ills which had clung to me from early childhood. Some healings have been instantaneous, others have not, and both have brought their peculiar blessings. One healing of a very conspicuous eruption on my face did not take place for two or three years, but when it did it was complete, without the slightest return of the difficulty in the seven years that have followed. Instantaneous healing brought me a thrilling certainty that this is the Christ-way. But slower healings forced me to learn more of this healing truth and to strive harder to bring "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." I now count far greater even than the thorough physical healing the overcoming in a degree of selfishness, impatience, pride, and fear through the understanding which Christian Science has given me of the nothingness of these false beliefs.

Every day I rejoice in some knowledge of Christian Science and thank God for that dear woman, Mary Baker Eddy, who walked so closely with Him that she not only could heal the sick, but was unselfish enough and loved humanity enough to teach to others her knowledge of God. There is no end to the blessings which come to us when we acquaint ourselves with God as Christian Science teaches us. Even trials and suffering have proved blessings in disguise because through them I have learned to depend upon God more, and have seen His glory manifested.—

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Testimony of Healing
I heard of Christian Science for the first time in 1911...
April 26, 1930

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