In Isaiah we read, "And it shall come to pass, that before...

In Isaiah we read, "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." These words came to me in a time of great need. My daughter and I were driving along the highway in her automobile, when suddenly the door swung open and her little son, a year and a half old, was thrown into the road. His mother and I audibly declared the truth of being and knew no harm could come to God's child. I can truly say I felt God's presence then as I have never felt it before. As we ran back to the child, he began to move. We carried him to the automobile and drove home. He was crying and moaning. A Christian Science practitioner was called, and in less than ten minutes the moaning ceased. In a few minutes more he was down on the floor playing—another proof of divine Love's protection.

I wish to express my deep gratitude for Christian Science, and for the many proofs of its availability at all times and under all circumstances. I have been healed of an internal growth, headaches, burns, colds, tonsillitis, and many other ills. My younger daughter was healed of diphtheria in less than twenty-four hours. Over two years ago she was completely healed of the necessity for wearing glasses. Afterwards the eye tests were reported normal.

I am grateful for membership in The Mother Church and in a local Christian Science Society. My gratitude for Mary Baker Eddy, our revered Leader, and for what she has done to heal the sickness, sin, and sorrow in the world, and for the Christian Science literature, can be expressed only in daily living and love.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science has indeed proved to be for me the...
March 15, 1930

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