I am deeply grateful for Christian Science, and for all...

I am deeply grateful for Christian Science, and for all that it is doing for me and mine. A little over eleven years ago I was in a very bad state of health. I had visited four doctors and two well-known herbalists in this city, but received no help whatever; in fact, I grew worse and became more depressed. Every night I would repeat the Lord's Prayer; after which I always said, "Please God lead me in the right direction to get well." I was led into Christian Science, but it was a few years later that I realized God had answered my prayer, for Christian Science has given me the health, joy, and happiness I never thought it possible to have again.

We have had many healings in our home, of malarial fever, whooping cough, influenza. The first healing I had was of bowel trouble of years' standing, through the loving help of a practitioner eleven years ago. Soon afterwards I discovered I had been healed of another internal condition which the practitioner knew nothing about, and thus was saved from an operation which a doctor had said was necessary.

Nearly four years ago I was healed of a nervous breakdown in ten days, and for the unfoldment that came with this experience I feel that words cannot express my gratitude. One night I was awakened, filled with fear. I could not get in touch just then with the practitioner, although I was having treatment; and these words came to me: God is my Life and He knows. As I held to this thought, the words from a hymn came to me:

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Testimony of Healing
The time has come for me to express publicly, as best I...
February 8, 1930

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