The proof of the inspired teaching of our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy,...

The proof of the inspired teaching of our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, has never been more clearly demonstrated to me than by two experiences I am about to relate. Some time ago I traveled from Oakland, California, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a distance of twenty-one hundred miles, by air. During the voyage from Australia I had earnestly studied for the safe accomplishment of this flight, my object being speedily to reach a loved child who needed me. The result of my study was a complete elimination of fear. Although I was flying for twenty-five hours, and all through the night, the ninety-first psalm and the thought that God controls and governs the universe, including man, and that God fills all space, upheld and sustained me, also enabling a fellow passenger who had a sense of violent air sickness to receive a perfect healing. The fact that I had to change into seven different airplanes with an equal number of pilots did not disturb my calm faith and trust in the knowledge that "underneath are the everlasting arms."

My gratitude to our Leader can be expressed only by loving service. I am grateful for her inspired interpretation of the Bible which helped me to realize there is no death. My understanding of this was fully tested when a beloved son suddenly passed on. In spite of all I was called upon to face, my firm faith and trust in our Father-Mother God has never wavered. For twelve years Christian Science has been a steadfast beacon light, guiding and guarding my footsteps.

(Mrs.) Margaret Fell, Sydney, Australia.

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Testimony of Healing
My parents first learned of Christian Science when I was...
December 20, 1930

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