Discovery of Christian Science

How did Mrs. Eddy happen to discover Christian Science? Different inquirers have asked this question in almost the same words. The best answer is to be found in her published writings, but the main points from all sources can be given here.

Mrs. Eddy was born of devout parents, and was reared among devout people. From childhood she showed an exceptional interest in religious subjects. The development of this interest was aided by her parents, by her pastors, and by other ministers whom her parents frequently entertained. As a girl and young woman, she often discussed religious topics with her pastors and other ministers, exhibiting a comprehension and an independence which they regarded as remarkable. One of her pastors, who also was her tutor for six or seven years (Reverend Enoch Corser, of Tilton, New Hampshire), predicted for Mary Baker a great future, and spoke of her as "an intellectual and spiritual genius."

The beginning of Mrs. Eddy's interest in religious or spiritual healing can be traced to an incident which occurred at Bow, New Hampshire, when she was twelve years old, immediately before her first application for membership in the Congregational Church. While she had a fever, her mother commended prayer to God. Then, as Mrs. Eddy has related on page 13 of "Retrospection and Introspection," "I prayed; and a soft glow of ineffable joy came over me. The fever was gone, and I rose and dressed myself, in a normal condition of health."

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Health, the Consciousness of Harmony
October 4, 1930

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