[Written for the Sentinel]

The Son of God

In the beginning God made all things good,
And all the universe was filled with light,
The light of Love, forever infinite!
And what was man in this great universe,
The man that God is mindful of? Ah, man,
Thou wast not made to walk in darkness, nor
To till the soil; thy birthright was dominion!
Thy being was and is to know thy God;
To know His love, His life, His truth—
To know, and in that knowing to reflect
In spiritual existence, all the truths
Of Spirit.
'Twas a false sense claimed that thou,
The son of God, art mind in matter, and
Thy origin and destiny but dust.

Although to sense this dream has seemed most real,
Down through the ages prophets long foretold
The coming of an one called Prince of Peace,
Whose understanding of reality
Would rend the veil of flesh that hid from view
The perfect God and His beloved Son.
The Saviour came, and with his knowing healed
The sick and sinning, raised the dead, and stilled
The tempest; yet the human consciousness
Then understood but little of the truth
He taught. But well he knew that Truth revealed
Unfolds and leads to more of truth; and so
He promised that another Comforter
Would come, revealing all of Truth, which would
Abide forever.
And how blessed are we,
That in our day the promise is fulfilled!—
For Christian Science is that Comforter,
Revealing Truth, complete and absolute—
The perfect God, and man, and universe,
Untouched by dream or dreamer, or by sin
Or sinner; for such claims could never have
A place in Spirit's great infinitude!

How can we fail to speak in gratitude
Of him, "the human herald of Christ, Truth,"

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January 25, 1930

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