When I was struggling with a false sense of self, helpless...

When I was struggling with a false sense of self, helpless and hopeless because of my ignorance of God and His creation, the healing light of pure Christian Science first shone for me. As a result of the consecrated work of a practitioner, the "Peace, be still" of the Master was finally heard and heeded. I began the study of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, with little comprehension; but hope in God and in His abiding love for me and for all made me persist until the gloom of human forebodings vanished. I make grateful acknowledgement of the truth voiced at our Wednesday evening testimony meetings, to which I owe many healings.

I had worn glasses for fifteen years. They were thrown out of a window by a small boy during a railway journey. At the end of the journey I searched in vain for the glasses; then I recalled a testimony I had heard ten days before. A man had testified that he was reading Science and Health when he suddenly realized that he no longer needed his spectacles, took them off, and threw them away. Immediate realization that God gave me my sight, that sight is spiritual, and hence that I did not need eyeglasses in order to see God's perfect, spiritual creation, healed me at once of the need of wearing glasses.

Two cases of ivy poisoning were overcome by the gratitude I felt in having one eye sufficiently open to be able to read the textbook. I took comfort in knowing that man's unity with divine Love is continuous. A dislocated knee joint went back into place after I had read Science and Health for eighteen hours. The specific truth that carried the healing I found on page 424: "Accidents are unknown to God, or immortal Mind." I walked around as usual without any pain. I was grateful when the swollen leg assumed normality, because I had turned to the great Physician with the humble faith of a child. The healing of an ulcerated tooth began at a Wednesday meeting as I heard read from the desk these words from Science and Health (p. 113): "There is no pain in Truth, and no truth in pain; no nerve in Mind, and no mind in nerve." As soon as the service was over I hurried to the nearest Christian Science Reading Room and studied this statement, with what immediately follows it, for two hours. I then asked a practitioner for help and slept through the night. I am grateful for the never failing joy that Christian Science brings to me every day.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science as a remedial agent was first proved...
June 15, 1929

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