Through the loving help of a Christian Science practitioner...

Through the loving help of a Christian Science practitioner I have been able to realize that God's work is done, and to demostrate that His infinite help is ever available. During the nine years of my study and application of Christian Science I have received many healings, physical and spiritual, and I am deeply grateful for them. I hesitated to turn absolutely to God in childbirth, excusing my fear under the pretext that I ought to seek aid from a doctor because my husband was not a student of Christian Science. Three times I lost children prematurely, twice under the best of medical attention. After having my pretext exposed to me as fear, by a Christian Science practitioner who constantly aided me during my last nine months' experience, I turned to God absolutely. My heart sings daily with joyous gratitude for our son, now three and a half years old. There were many predictions of the doctors to overcome, among them being the need of an operation and the necessity of my remaining in bed during the entire period of gestation. I did not fulfill their predictions, but taught for four months, completing a school term, although my daily journey covered a good many miles.

One of the earliest demonstrations I made was to overcome the fear of poison oak. When I did overcome it, I was living in the midst of it in the mountains of California, and was able to walk through it and even to handle it. Many times before understanding something of Christian Science I had developed severe attacks of poison when passing by this plant, handling wild flowers, or picnicking in the mountains.

Mary Baker Eddy's life and works are such a wonderful inspiration in our study and attempts to follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus and to walk daily with God, Love. I am heartily grateful for every aid I have had in the journey along the path made clear by our revered Leader.—(Mrs.)Jean Glendenning Bowen, Hollywood, California.

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Testimony of Healing
I attended my first lecture after I had been reading the...
May 18, 1929

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