A Watchman

In Ezekiel we read, "Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me." Webster defines "watchman" as "one set to watch; a guard; sentinel; specif., one who guards a building, or (formerly) the streets of a city, by night."

There are many ways in which a Christian Scientist may fulfill his appointment as watchman to the present-day house of Israel. The first step in this great work is to watch our own thinking. We must establish in our thinking the truth of God's allness and the consequent unreality of every phase of evil belief. In her Message to The Mother Church for 1901 (pp. 12, 13) our Leader says, "Evil is neither quality nor quantity: it is not intelligence, a person or a principle, a man or a woman, a place or a thing, and God never made it." Until this is understood it will be impossible for us to fulfill our mission as watchmen. We must ourselves be established on the eternal Rock, and must have felt the healing touch of infinite Love which makes free, in order to help our brother.

How may we gain the understanding which will make us faithful watchmen? Mrs. Eddy answers this on page 495 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," where, in replying to the question, "How can I progress most rapidly in the understanding of Christian Science?" she says: "Study thoroughly the letter and imbibe the spirit. Adhere to the divine Principle of Christian Science and follow the behests of God, abiding steadfastly in wisdom, Truth, and Love." Here is the golden key that unlocks the door of the human understanding, and opens it upon the great treasure-trove of Christian Science, namely, the perfection of God and His creation, including individual man.

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The Spoken Word
May 11, 1929

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