A contributor to your columns, referring to Christian Science...

Iowegian and Citizen,

A contributor to your columns, referring to Christian Science in an article printed in the February 9 issue of the Iowegian and Citizen, said that he had read all of Mrs. Eddy's writings he could find, and had "read and read the Bible of the sect until" he "untwisted the real meaning from its purposely obscure sentences, and located the false philosophy back of it." Now it may be assumed that the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," is the volume our critic chose to speak of as "the Bible of the sect;" and this expression clearly shows that his conclusions were not based on anything contained in Mrs. Eddy's writings, because nowhere does she say or imply that what she wrote was intended to replace the Bible or any part of it. The textbook of Christian Science has indeed opened the Scriptures, as its title implies, to thousands who have read and studied its pages in connection with the Bible, and who have thereby found healing of innumerable ills. This textbook, however, has never been considered as a Bible by anyone except certain critics of Christian Science; but it certainly is based on the Bible, and particularly on the teachings of the Master, who plainly said that a correct understanding of the truth he taught would make men free. This freedom is being experienced to-day, as in Jesus' time, through physical healing in Christian Science practice. The King James Version of the Bible is the only Bible used in all Christian Science churches; and citations from it, together with selections from the Christian Science textbook, comprise the weekly Lesson-Sermons read in all churches of the denomination throughout the world.

Our critic's assertion that Mrs. Eddy's statements are "obscure" and based on "false philosophy" was doubtless made for the same reason which prompted his remark, that the authorized account of Mrs. Eddy's life by Sibyl Wilbur furnishes a "refutation" of Christian Science. Such comments remind one of the saying that none are so blind as those who will not see. With the firm conviction that there are many among your readers who are willing and anxious to learn for themselves the truth about Christian Science, I heartily recommend to these the perusal and study of the two books our critic would cast aside. The full and exact statement of Christian Science is given in Mrs. Eddy's book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and no "false philosophy" tinctures its teachings because these are based wholly on the Scriptures. The story of Mrs. Eddy's life by Sibyl Wilbur is authorized by The Christian Science Publishing Society as correctly recording experiences of her who discovered and founded Christian Science, and is likewise commended to those of your readers who wish to form their own conclusions as to what that biography sets forth. Both of these volumes may be obtained at most public libraries and at all Christian Science Reading Rooms.

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