Christian Science has been my only physician for over...

Christian Science has been my only physician for over nine years. When a girl I was seriously ill with dysentery, followed by what was called locked bowels. Rigorous treatment was necessary to overcome this condition even partially, but it was never completely destroyed while I was using medical remedies. A number of years later, an operation was said to be the only cure for the condition then existing. The operation was performed and for two weeks following it I suffered unspeakable agony. The doctors told me that if I neglected taking medicine daily it would mean another operation; and this filled me with such dread that I became, under their directions, a victim of the daily medicine habit.

For fifteen years I endured one form of suffering after another: rheumatism, biliousness, chronic headaches, extreme nervousness, and many so-called sympathetic ailments. Through a friend I became interested in Christian Science, but fear was so deep-seated that it was some time before I stopped taking medicine daily. A physician, friendly in his attitude toward Christian Science but certainly not understanding its divine Principle, told me that I need not expect Christian Science or anything else to cure the bowel condition, as it was incurable; and that all I could do was to keep on for the rest of my life with two medicines daily, one supposed to counteract the effect of the other.

One day a dear Christian Science friend said to me, "Don't you think the time has come when you can leave it all with God?" For a moment fear gripped me, but it was instantly vanquished by the realization of the allness of God; and I replied, "Yes, I do." In two weeks the healing was complete. Fear was destroyed, together with faith in material means, and I was freed from the bondage of doubt. Here was positive proof of the power of Christian Science; and in the years since this healing it has never failed. Healing is always realized when the divine rules are correctly applied.

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Testimony of Healing
"Divine Love always has met and always will meet every...
April 27, 1929

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