[Written for the Sentinel]


God is primal, is ultimate Presence.
Man could not fall into, stay
In godless vacuity, absence—
God's presence around him alway!

Dawn after dawn comes surely,
For primal is ultimate light.
It is sign of God's unlost presence,
His infinite, changeless might.

Furtive and fleeting is night.

God says: I am infinite Being;
I am all that existence may be.
In reality there is no other—
Naught beside My creation and Me.
My own shall not stray from My presence,
Nor least creature lie deaf to My call,
Nor dream on, in darkness,
Of absence of Me, the Only,
The All-and-in-all.

God is primal, is ultimate Presence.
Man never fell, nor could stray
Into godless vacuity, absence
Of Him who is present alway.

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Signs of the Times
February 2, 1929

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