[Written for the Sentinel]

Christ Goes Before

God’s child goes on his journey with a song;
     He blends with hope and faith his pure desires,
And knows he cannot hold a purpose wrong,
     Since Love, the All-in-all, his thought inspires.
He sings the sweet assurance o'er and o'er:
          Christ goes before.

God’s child goes calmly on, nor grieves nor pines:
     There is no troubled dream, no heart that breaks.
Upon his path the light of promise shines,
     And Love illumines every step he takes.
No thorns of error make his journey sore:
          Christ goes before.

God’s child goes step by step, and gladly waits
     To know the will of Him who reigns above,
For Love divine the pathway designates,
     And so can only point the way of Love.
Men breathe the prayer while pausing to adore:
          Christ goes before.

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