"Learn to do well"

If there were no God, no power of good, it would be impossible to carry out Isaiah's behest, "Cease to do evil; learn to do well." If there were nothing beyond the false evidence of the physical senses, mortals would have no moral gauge, no capacity to distinguish between right and wrong; so they would sink into a morass of materialism from which they could not extricate themselves.

By learning in Christian Science how to do well, how to discern and to express the characteristics of the divine nature, we also learn how to work well, to use our recreation wisely, and to be well in health. Obviously, it is only by learning "to do well" that we "cease to do evil."

For instance, in proportion as an individual learns the lessons of perseverance, obedience to divine Principle, kindness, gratitude, and courage, he ceases to manifest their opposites. These qualities have no real opposites, for divine Mind is All-in-all. Here and now one may learn how to cease being a false witness, and how to become a true witness to the omnipotence of good. Experience teaches students of Christian Science that the more happily and gratefully they learn these divine lessons, the more quickly they do so.

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November 30, 1929

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