The Lectures

Introductions to Lectures

Glasgow, Scotland (Second Church).

Lecturer: John W. Doorly; introduced by Miss Ellen Graham, who said:—

When Mmrs. Eddy discovered Christian Science through her own instantaneous healing, and proved by the healing of others from sickness and sin that this was the way that Christ Jesus practiced and taught his disciples, she naturally hoped that the Christian churches would welcome her discovery. The idea of healing by spiritual means alone was, however, so foreign to established custom that her teaching was rejected by organized religion, and she was forced to found a church of her own in order that the truth, which was already abundantly blessing mankind, might not again be lost to the world. The Church of Christ, Scientist, was thus organized in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1879 "to commemorate the word and works of our Master" and so "reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing" (Church Manual, p. 17).

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January 26, 1929

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