It was my misfortune to become a victim to many diseases...

It was my misfortune to become a victim to many diseases which made me practically an invalid for many years. I suffered greatly from lung trouble and other ills, all of which were supposed to have been inherited; also, from a bad case of skin disease. And I was held in bondage by extreme weakness, which left me in a pitiable condition. During my servitude under these taskmasters I was attended by the best of physicians, who were indeed very kind; but I was unable to find health or rest through their endeavors. My condition finally became such that they gave me up to die, and it was at this time that Christian Science was brought to my attention.

A Christian Science friend came to call; and during our conversation he remarked, "All is life; there is no death." Although I had been taught to believe in a literal heaven, hell, and death, I seemed to realize that this dear friend had spoken the truth. After he had gone my thoughts dwelt upon what he had told me, and I experienced great relief. That night I slept peacefully, something I had not done for many years. The following morning I awoke thinking I heard someone calling me to arise, and before I realized what I was doing I had got out of bed and had walked across the floor. I had lost depression and the fear of death, and I stood clothed in my right mind.

I immediately took up the study of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. After three weeks' reading of the textbook the skin trouble was healed, leaving no effects upon me. Through persistent study of the Bible and Science and Health I soon began to prove the truth for myself, with the result that I have found God a present help in every time of need. My healing was very slow. Only as I gained the spiritual understanding of perfect God and perfect man did physical healing take place. The Bible and Science and Health have been my only healers.

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Testimony of Healing
So many wonderful and beautiful proofs of healing...
January 26, 1929

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