When Christian Science came to awaken me out of the...

When Christian Science came to awaken me out of the dream of life in matter, I was quite ready to accept its heavenly message, for I was mentally and physically weary and heavy-laden. Although still young in years, there seemed to be nothing but pain and suffering before me.

After two weeks in a hospital under the loving care of physicians and nurses, I came out somewhat hopeful, but without any lasting results; nor did this experience bring me a better sense of health or advance my thought toward God. I continued several months under treatment from the physicians, and they advised a surgical operation as a last resort. At this point Christian Science was proposed to me. I knew nothing about it, but finally arranged to call on a lady who had already proved what this blessed truth accomplishes, when faithfully applied. After a lengthy interview, which made an indelible impression on my consciousness, I accepted this Christ, Truth, for it was the most beautiful message that ever reached my heart! I did as I was told; and my first step was to turn from the god of diet, which had held me in bondage for many months.

"A new heaven and a new earth" had opened up for me, and gradually I was led "out from Egypt, from the house of bondage." Although this was a slow and trying experience, as I encountered many storms and fiery trials I knew I had found the "pearl of great price." At no time was there any desire on my part to turn back or give up. With the assistance of loving practitioners, at last the light of spiritual understanding dawned upon me.

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Signs of the Times
September 8, 1928

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