My father and many other physicians said there was...

My father and many other physicians said there was nothing in materia medica that could heal me of an incurable disease which I had since a small child. For ten years Christian Science was almost constantly before me. I was antagonistic most of the time, as I was in love with materia medica and did not want to think there was anything that could outdo it.

I was desperate when I turned to Christian Science. I wanted to know nothing of it. All I asked of the practitioner was that she heal me if she could. At the end of a week she was called out of the city, and in a few days I called another practitioner. I had treatments every day for five months. I would not read a word, but would go to church. This practitioner then left the city.

The following week I was very despondent, declaring I would never again have anything to do with Christian Science or God. At the end of that week Love beautifully led me to another practitioner. She said she got up every morning at five to study. I told her I would not study or say the "scientific statement of being" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 468), for it had no meaning. She told me I was not ready for healing, for when we really want something we are willing to work for it. This practitioner did not want my case, but my mother begged her to take it, although my mother told her she had no faith that Christian Science could heal me physically, but thought it could help my disposition and make our home more harmonious. When the practitioner said to me, "Good night, honey," it seemed to me her voice was purer than an angel's voice. The thought came that if getting up at five o'clock could make me half as sweet as this woman, I would get up. At five the next morning I began to read Science and Health. For the first time I loved every word in that book.

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Testimony of Healing
With a heart filled with gratitude for Christian Science...
August 25, 1928

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