Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1927

On September 30, the Galena Times said: "One of the things for which anyone with good common sense must admire the Christian Scientists is that they ... refuse to make of ... [sickness] a subject of social conversation or even to discuss ailments at all." The Wichita Beacon has published full-text lectures on Christian Science, also an article about relief work in the flooded district in eastern Kansas, stating that The Christian Science Board of Directors had contributed from the Relief Fund of The Mother Church twenty-five hundred dollars to the flood sufferers. Your Committee on Publication spent one day with the relief committee from Kansas City, Missouri, driving through the flooded district, covering a distance of seventy-five miles, and giving necessary assistance to the unfortunate.

This Committee records with gratitude that in the past year only one or two unkind references to our beloved Leader appeared in the Michigan press. One such reference was published in a syndicated daily column then appearing in the Detroit Daily News, a newspaper having the largest circulation in this state. A protest to the editor was promptly followed by the discontinuance of this syndicated feature, in keeping with the newspaper's admirable policy of not permitting anything in its columns criticizing any religious belief.

In August a press dispatch which quoted certain misstatements of Mrs. Eddy's teachings was printed in only one newspaper in this state, while fourteen newspapers printed a subsequent dispatch which quoted the Committee on Publication for New York in reply to the earlier statement.

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Pacific Coast Sanatorium
December 8, 1928

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