Divine Protection

In the first epistle of Peter these arresting and comforting words are written: "The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers. ... And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?" They convey the assuring message that the righteous are under divine protection; that the followers of good, by virtue of their goodness, can come to no harm.

Long before Peter reiterated the doctrine of the Master, the Psalmist had voiced the same great truth; for it is written in the one hundred and forty-fifth psalm. "The Lord preserveth all them that love him." So that it can truly be said that the enlightened Hebrew consciousness, like the more enlightened Christian consciousness, reposed its faith in divine protection, and that both Hebrew and Christian had the same basis for this faith, namely, love for God, or good.

Many years have passed since the Psalmist and the apostle penned their words, yet they stand to-day as true and as directive as ever, the erring seeing in them a warning, the upright finding in them the explanation of the harmony of their lives. And this has been accentuated by the marvelous light which Christian Science has thrown on the nature of God and of His law, the divine law, which, because of God's omnipresence, is universal in its acticity. Christian Science reveals God as infinite omnipresent good. It shows divine law to be the law of good, and that in reality there is no other law. It brings to light the fact that since God, good, is infinite, evil is unreal; and that, therefore, there is no law of evil—no evil law. What follows? That God's creation, the universe of spiritual ideas, is ever under the law of good, and is therefore continually under divine protection. And as man is God's idea, man is always under divine protection.

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Notes from the Publishing House
November 17, 1928

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