In your report of a revivalist's sermon, in your recent...


In your report of a revivalist's sermon, in your recent issue, appears a reference to Christian Science that calls for correction; as, contrary to our critic's assertion, Christian Science definitely repudiates the belief that man can "be his own savior," teaching that it is only through the atonement of Christ that mankind is saved. Conforming to the Scriptures throughout, Christian Science shows conclusively that the problem of salvation involves a scientific process, to be wrought out through obedience to God's unerring law; that it is only through Christ, Truth, that salvation is possible, and that "neither is there salvation in any other." Salvation is shown, in Christian Science, to comprehend redemption from physical plagues as well as from moral maladies, even as the Master taught. This demonstration of the saving grace of God destroys the basis of death, and makes possible an understanding of life eternal, without which salvation would be a myth. Moreover, this demonstration is the real atonement; and so far from denying the atonement of Christ, Christian Science proves its conformity with the Christ-practice and precepts by showing forth the "signs" that the Saviour said would "follow them that believe."

On page 96 of "Miscellaneous Writings" Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, makes her position on this question plain by answering her own question, "Do I believe in the atonement of Christ?" as follows: "I do; and this atonement becomes more to me since it includes man's redemption from sickness as well as from sin. I reverence and adore Christ as never before." As to the "deity" of Christ, which it is alleged Christian Science denies, if our critic means that Christian Science denies that Jesus was Deity, or God, he is correct. Jesus himself, in his statement, "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God," definitely disposed of the question. Moreover, the Master claimed no underived power, being, or intelligence, as witness the record in John, "I can of mine own self do nothing;" also, "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." The divinity of the Christ is duly recognized in Christian Science, as is evidenced by the following quotation from its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," of which Mrs. Eddy is the author (p. 25): "The divinity of the Christ was made manifest in the humanity of Jesus;" this would set at rest all fears that Christian Science ignores or "denies" any attributes of the Christ.

For the clear differentiation Christian Science makes between the corporeal, human Jesus and the eternal, incorporeal Christ—which the Way-shower, the man of Galilee, exemplified and demonstrated in such wondrous degree; for the light that Christian Science throws on the sacred Scriptures and on the life, words, and works of the Saviour, and for its espousal of the "Lamb of God [Christ], which taketh away the sin of the world," with the attendant regeneration, healing, and redemption, multitudes give daily praise and thanks to their heavenly Father.

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September 3, 1927

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