When I was a very small boy my thoughts often turned...

When I was a very small boy my thoughts often turned towards God, and I asked many questions about Him. About this time a pastor of a Congregational church persuaded me to join that church. I could not see the least change in my thoughts or views, but thought I was doing my duty. Soon afterwards I read some books which gave me a great shock and started me in a new line of thinking. I sought the truth by reading the Bible, investigating creeds and other religions, and asking many questions of clergymen and religious leaders; but I could not arrive at any satisfactory condition of thought. As I wanted to do something for humanity I associated myself with a leading Congregational church in the city in which I lived. Later, the pastor urged me to join the church. I told him I could not, for I did not believe what they wanted me to, but would join if they would accept me on a letter from the Congregational church I joined when a small boy. This they did, and I went on in the same thought.

After several more years had passed I became ill. I consulted physicians, took their medicines, but grew worse all the time. I tried all schools of medicine, employed some of the best known physicians in the city, and consulted surgeons; and the head surgeon of the homeopathic hospital reported that my bowels were badly ulcerated and said that if I would undergo an operation I would get well. This I did, and improved for a few months, but soon was back in the old condition.

I then took physical culture, but received no permanent benefit. I also took osteopathic treatment, but got no relief, and again found myself in the hands of the physicians. They diagnosed my case as constitutional catarrh and nervous indigestion, saying that every part of my anatomy was catarrhal. I worked faithfully with them, for I wanted to get well; but I grew worse, and finally went to bed. After spending six months in the house, most of the time in bed, I became very weak and felt as if I could not live long. My family was about to call new physicians for a consultation; but as I was so weak and had almost lost all faith in medicine and every material remedy, I had no further hope from that source.

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Testimony of Healing
When I first came into Christian Science I was ill and...
June 18, 1927

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