That human will-power is the very opposite of divine...

That human will-power is the very opposite of divine will, which operates as a corrective for all false actions, was made quite plain to me many years ago, when it was necessary to overcome the tobacco habit and a desire for strong drink. Repeated efforts to overcome the temptation to "brace up" on false courage and to soothe nerves with noxious odors proved unavailing. Fear, with its accompanying sense of confusion, was beginning to settle down upon consciousness—fear lest these desires and habits might some day become overwhelming.

About this time I had become interested in Christian Science and was an attendant at Christian Science services, as well as a witness to daily evidences of healings through the application of the Christ, Truth. However, the necessity for resorting to a Christian Science practitioner for anything save physical healing had not presented itself: material appetites, as such, had not yet been classified as errors to be subjected to Christian Science treatment.

It happened one day that an illumination came in the nature of a direct challenge to faith in Christian Science as a corrective for every discordant condition. The maintenance and building funds of the church were in need of replenishing, and attendants and members were called upon to subscribe. With no physical means of increasing a limited income, but with a genuine desire to help a Cause I believed in, here was presented an opportunity to prove the little that I knew of Christian Science, and to manifest faith in what the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy, had to say about infinite supply and about Love meeting all our needs. A little arithmetic hastily disclosed the fact that a considerable amount of money was annually being wasted by me on tobacco and drink. This amount was subscribed, with confidence that God would through Christian Science provide the way to make the demonstration over the claim these two false appetites held over me. The healing was instantaneous and complete, the evil desires leaving then and there, never to return.

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Testimony of Healing
It is a joy to testify to what Christian Science has done...
February 5, 1927

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