My journey from sense to Soul began when I went to...

My journey from sense to Soul began when I went to live with one who was a devout student of Christian Science. At that time I was practically without a concept of God to which I could turn in time of need. One Wednesday evening I was invited by a friend of the family to attend a service at a Christian Science church. I accepted the invitation and was very favorably impressed, especially by that short period of perfect quiet given to silent prayer.

Soon after that I had proof of the healing power of Christian Science by being healed very quickly of a very lame back; afterwards I was healed of stomach trouble. This latter did not yield quickly, but by the patient help of a practitioner it was finally entirely overcome. Other problems which confronted me from time to time were overcome also, sometimes with the aid of a practitioner and sometimes by my own understanding of the truth. From the very first I did not question the truth of the statements set forth in the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and that the God whom I had found is indeed Love.

One of my early healings was to be set free from worry, which seemed at that time to be my besetting sin. With that healing I became conscious of the many blessings which surrounded me, and consequently I became genuinely happy. Since becoming a member of our local church and of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, I have enjoyed the added privileges which such memberships confer. I have tried to perform each duty lovingly, and I rejoice that I am accounted worthy to work in the Father's vineyard.

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Testimony of Healing
When, in 1903, I first heard of Christian Science, I was...
December 31, 1927

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