I could never enumerate all the blessings which have come...

I could never enumerate all the blessings which have come to me through the study of Christian Science, but will speak of a very few. My first healing was of chronic tonsillitis, and it was instantaneous and complete. As my eyes had a tendency to roll in, I had always been a slave to glasses, and to go without them was torture. But while I was studying Christian Science my glasses were destroyed, and to my surprise there was no pain. Soon afterwards my eyes were examined and pronounced perfect. Later, I was injured, sustaining a fractured skull, and was told the sight was gone from one eye. The latter condition was healed overnight, and no vestige of the injury to the eye remained: and I was out of the hospital in ten days, the physicians there saying my recovery was the most miraculous they had ever witnessed.

It has not been easy to understand that God is the only Mind, and that "happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 57), for I had always looked to harmonious physical surroundings to bring me happiness. Nevertheless, that is almost conquered, and the wonderful guidance which comes each day is marvelous! Some paths seem strange and unaccountable, but as I know that Love alone leads, the motive is always made known, showing me that had I relied on the human mind I would have made many an error. Each day brings more assurance of the closeness of God, helping me to destroy fear, that mythical dragon which tries to usurp the only power there is, that of divine Mind.

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Testimony of Healing
When I was a young man of about eighteen, asthma...
December 17, 1927

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